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Skills Level
How do I know if I am advanced or intermediate or a beginner

Level 1

First time playing squash
Player has limited hand-eye coordination

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Level 4


Able to create some rallies  and can serve
Possible junior games 

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Level 7

Achieved shot accuracy in medium target range
Maintains continuity in advanced conditional games
Ability to use strategic play

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Level 2

Limited basic technique   
Occassional play over 6 months     Racket can make contact with ball, but still miss the ball a lot  

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Level 5


Able to achieve basic shots in large target areas
Regular return of serve
Limited ability in back corners 
Basic understanding of game strategy
Basic partner training drills

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Level 8

Achieves regular shot accuracy in small target range
Strong continuity in more complex conditional games
High level of fitness 

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Level 3


Occassional play over 12 months or so
Hitting the ball more regularly, but still struggling to rally with partner 
A serve is possible

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Level 6


Able to produce variation in speed of serve or shots

Maintains continuity in partner drills Can retrieving balls out of back corners regularly

Able to use volley shots in match play

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Level 9

Displays  consistency in shot execution

Good variation in shot selection

Adaptability in match strategies

High level of fitness and racket skills


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